臺灣教育科技展 未來教室 12/4(三) 11:10-12:00 外師2.0-外語學用整合新教育模式 乂迪生科技 廖本昌 董事長 外語教學的目的之一,在提升學習者與外籍人士的溝通互動能力。現行教育體系多為實體教室大班制的教學模式,較難確保學生在學習後的語言使用成效。 近些年來,許多學校開始聘請外籍老師協助做外語課程教學,但是,聘用外師增加學校管理難度,高品質的外師不易獲得。即使有好的外師,但是,面對全校這多的學生和外語課程,對學生的口語能力提升,也是杯水車薪。 Hi家教的關係企業-杜威海外教育股份有限公司,從事外師仲介近20年,深知學校對外師的需求及所面臨的問題。Hi家教的線上真人外師課程,一對一,一對三的教學模式,讓學生在學習學校課程之後,可以有充分的時間,利用其所學內容,和線上外師做充分的對話練習。所學即所用,對學生的外語學習,有明顯的助益。 如何運用線上外師資源,無縫接軌,學以致用,提升學習成效,是未來教育的趨勢與課題;也是本次的演講重點。 乂迪生科技股份有限公司 Hi家教 2009年成立迄今,致力推廣語言教育,於菲律賓成立海外師資中心,嚴格培訓人才,創造「心」學習時代,除了提供最有效的個人化學習新模式,也是企業邁向國際,培養外語人才的強力補給站。多年來從不間斷在產品內容師資培訓、教學系統、服務品質上進行優化,獲得多項創新專利肯定,榮得國家品牌玉山獎「傑出企業類」及「最佳產品類」兩項大獎。
讓世界各地都能透過線上面對面的語言學習與互動,進行文化交流,建立跨國友誼,落實Hi家教核心精神「Say Hi to the World」。
HiTutor is Taiwan's first and largest online multi-language learning organization. HiTutor ESL teaching center launched in 2009 in Ortigas Center, Pasig city, Philippines. Foreseeing learning language online would be a trend in near future, HiTutor makes a great use of its educational background and combines large-scale resources with technology to establish a reputable and professional online language academy. HiTutor provides the highest quality online language learning service for learners in Taiwan and opens a new era of online education. Today, we offer beyond 50 themed professional and interesting courses with over 17 languages for more than 100,000 online learners worldwide.
Company Services
● Personalized Language Learning Platform
We provide one-on-one courses featured in 17 languages of online language learning to ensure learners can learn anytime, anywhere and meet different learning needs.
● Language Teaching Platform
We recruit experienced language teaching experts make use of their free time to share their knowledge and culture online, and meet friends from all over the world.
The students play an active role in the class while the teacher’s role is to coach. Create a close-to-life dialogue situation based on students’ learning needs. No need to learn by rote. Acquiring a new language painlessly and naturally.
● Educational Institution Assisting Platform
We partner with schools and cram schools to collaborate with the offline teachers and courses to strengthen students’ communication skills.
● OEM Branding Platform
With our online multilingual courses, professional teachers, user-friendly platforms, schools, cram schools, and other entity institutions which haven’t equipped with online learning courses can expand their services or establish innovative brands to generate more revenues.
We actively build a cloud-based foreign language learning platform, which benefits people worldwide, including online face-to-face language learning courses, cultural exchanges, and cross-border friendship, to embody Hitutor’s core value, that is, “ Say Hi to the World. ”